Success Stories

Ashcombe Primary School North Somerset

Written by Jigsaw PSHE | Dec 5, 2021 8:52:38 PM

Significant success with Jigsaw in our first year!

Significant Success

Jigsaw has taken the unnecessary mystery and hype out of R&S teaching because Sex and Relationships Education is integral to the lessons. The pupils are now more mature in their approach to learning due to previous Jigsaw topic and verbal opportunities.

R&S (SRE) was the hardest part of the Jigsaw journey to get ourselves into. Initially, many of our governors were on board, but a few were still reticent, especially the KS1 staff, which included six teachers who had never taught R&S before. There was high attendance at parent R&S meetings, and thankfully, positive feedback resulting in no withdrawals out of 420 pupils, which was a first!  There was also a lot of positive feedback from the staff regarding this topic including those who were initially worried.

We created a whole school, Garden of Dreams to conclude the topic ‘Dreams and Goals’.  Every child was able to display their dream and we had an afternoon designated for parents, carers, friends and family members to come and view their wonderful work. This was a great success and captured the real wonder and power of Jigsaw.

Impact of Jigsaw

PSHE is now being taught in every class. This wasn’t the case in 2013-2014. Drugs education and being healthy are now both taught systematically which didn’t occur before.

Children are now more able to verbally express what they’ve experienced and learnt and are very motivated by Jigsaw lessons. KS1 pupils have a better understanding of what bullying means and how to deal with it.

The evidence indicates that PSHE is impacting [positively] upon pupil’s current lives and future decision-making processes.

Children enjoy the ‘Calm Me’ sessions which you can tell by their comments shown in the embedded PowerPoint.

Safeguarding – numerous disclosures within Jigsaw lessons which have been acted upon and ensure all children are safe.

During headteacher ‘Pupil Voice’ sessions, Jigsaw has continually been praised by the pupils.

Looking forward

With happy children, parents and school staff, we look forward to more success!