Success Stories

Gateway School Buckinghamshire

Written by Jigsaw PSHE | Nov 25, 2021 10:40:03 PM

Significant success with Celebrating Difference, Mindfulness & Relationships

Significant Success

The breadth of Jigsaw [PSHE] gives us the opportunity to explore many different topics that children need to learn about in order to grow up as responsible, thoughtful and compassionate human beings. We are then able to support these topics through assemblies and the school's mentoring process.

A good example is the Celebrating Difference unit which allows our pupils to learn about global issues. This unit allows our pupils to understand that other people live quite differently from them, it also develops empathy and appreciation for other cultures. As a result of this unit our school council chose to expand our fundraising to include a local charity as well as an international charity, this year we have chosen 'Shelterbox' as our international charity.

Impact of Jigsaw

We believe that Jigsaw assists us in maintaining outstanding Pastoral care for our pupils. The curriculum helps our pupils to understand that they are a part of a wider community. Their learning is part of a relationship between themselves, our teachers and our parents. Our parents come into school to lead road safety training, we host Sex and Relationship training for our parent body so that everybody is aware of the learning that is taking place and can reinforce key information at home. Our student council also ensures that our parent body are involved in activities such as Sport Relief!

Looking forward

We will continue to use Jigsaw as an integral part of our pupil's development. This year we have introduced mindfulness courses for our year 5 and 6 children, this ties in very well with the mindfulness component of Jigsaw. At Gateway we believe that we teach our children to become confident active learners who have started to develop an understanding of the world in which they live. They have aspirations, goals, empathy, respect for others and most importantly they have enjoyed learning these skills. Jigsaw has helped us to achieve this.